Monday, February 13, 2012

setting ourselves up for sucess!

Over the past weeks we have been working hard to set ourselves up to achieve success; both inside and outside of the classrooms.
The children have worked hard cooperatively to brainstorm positive and negative behaviours which have an impact on how the classroom functions.  We then used these identified behaviours to create guidelines for the classroom.  Once the guidelines were put on the wall we called it our Class Treaty.  Each one of us made a name seal to show that we agreed to behave appropriately and adhere to the treaty guidelines.

Here are the children working cooperatively to brainstorm their ideas.

 Here is the Completed Treaty.  A Treaty is an agreement between two parties.  The Treaty of Waitangi was an agreement between the British Crown and the Maori people.  Our Treaty is between Ms Berry and the children of Room 14.

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